Where does all the time go?

When I was young and time seemed to be endless – especially in the depth of winter – I remember our parents repeating the age-old response that ‘time goes faster as you get older’. As much as I know rationally that this isn’t true, I can’t deny that I’m experiencing exactly that. Each year seems to fly past faster than the one before. Last year, 2010 seemed to be over before I had a chance to do any of the things I had planned! Now 2011 is rushing past as well; it’s April already and it seems as if the year just started. This is a roundabout way of apologizing for not posting more frequently since the fall. It’s not that I haven’t been cooking or testing new recipes or eating (way too much of that I’m afraid…). Somehow there just never seemed to be time to post. So for 2011, even though I’m starting off late, I’m hoping to be a little more on top of the postings. First, I’ll be trying to catch up on the 2010 recipes that are sitting here waiting to be shared with the world. Then we’ll move on to the 2011 recipes that are quickly building up as well.

So stay tuned and keep checking back! Subscribe to our Twitter feed so you know when something new is posted.

Happy cooking, wise eating and enjoy!

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